
2012年6月14日 星期四

Cinnamon roll recipe- from Internet

Jamie Oliver Cinnamon Rolls

1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 or 2 tbsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
5-6 cups flour
1 pkg (1/4 oz) instant yeast
4 eggs

1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon

1 tbsp vanilla
1/4 cream
1 cup powdered sugar
Directions: Preheat OVen to 350F bake for 15-18minutes
In a small pot gently warm the milk along with 1 stick of butter, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, the vanilla and the salt. Don\'t bring to a simmer, warm just enough to melt the butter. Meanwhile measure half the flour into the bowl of a stand mixer along with the yeast. Add the warm melted milk butter mixture to the flour, beat with a paddle attachment until smooth. Add the eggs one at a time, beating until smooth before proceeding. Switch to a dough hook and add the remaining flour. Knead until a soft dough forms that is no longer sticky to the touch, about five minutes. Rest the dough in a warm place, covered in a lightly oiled bowl until it doubles in size, about one to two hours.

Knock the dough down and let rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile thoroughly mix together the room temperature butter with 1 cup of brown sugar and the cinnamon. Flour your work surface, the dough, your hands and a rolling pin. Roll out the dough into a long rectangle shape, about 18x12-inches. Evenly spread the cinnamon butter over the top of the dough leaving an inch or two uncovered along one long edge. This will help a seal form. Roll tightly into a long cigar shape from the covered long edge to the uncovered long edge. Brush the outside of the log with oil or melted butter.

Slice the dough log into 12 or 16 sections. Turn each on its side and position evenly in an appropriately sized lightly oiled baking pan. Rest, uncovered, until the dough doubles in size again and the rolls swell into each other.

Meanwhile preheat your oven to 350?. When the dough is ready, bake for 40 to 45 minutes.
When the cinnamon rolls have cooled enough to handle stir together the glaze ingredients and drizzle all over them. Serve immediately!

Mix all ingredients together.

Stir together the glaze ingredients and drizzle all over the cinnamon rolls after they have cooled

Quoted from: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/member-recipes/Cinnamon%20Rolls/3165

2012年6月10日 星期日




(1) 在快吃完ㄋㄟㄋㄟ時,先在肚子周圍塗上幫助消脹氣的舒氣爽藥膏,以順時鐘畫圓,輕輕塗抹至發熱為止
(2) 接著抬起雙腳至腹部,增加腹壓
(3) 用大拇指在baby的肛門口向外擴張,幫助肛門收縮,增加排便的感覺,口中要有頻率地喊著「嗯」


下午換成Ingrid吃完奶開始小吐奶,放下來睡覺又苦瓜臉,想想也來個大便教學,同樣的SOP作完以後,就開始嗯嗯,我看到Ingrid的肛門真的開始放大收縮,心想不會吧?真的要出來了?馬上軟綠的便便就這樣冒出頭,一發不可收拾,這樣嗯嗯了半天也有三大坨便便的成果。平常Ingrid便便很沒fu,今天真給面子,真的是越來越down to earth了!!


2012年6月8日 星期五


Ingrid & Zola都有許多怪表情,還會發出很多的怪聲音,更會作出許多的怪動作,難道新生兒都來自外星球?



