
2008年7月11日 星期五

The Supersizer Go...英國食物歷史劇


The Supersizers Go...是BBC的一個英國食物歷史節目,是由一個記者兼美食評論家 Giles Coren和一位廣播主持人Sue Perkins所主持的。這兩個人攜手合作,在英國不同時期一起扮演夫妻角色,品嘗當時的食物與穿著,經身經歷當時的生活。當每次的嘗試開始前,兩個人都會先做身體檢查,確認當時的身體狀況,然後醫生就會告訴他們在這個時期英國人飲食的內容與對身體健康的影響,一個星期後,將會回到診所進行檢查,看身體有什麼反應。在一個星期之內,兩個人得穿上當時的服裝,住在當時的房子中,但是卻生活在現代的倫敦大都市裡,這個製作Team很有趣,請這兩位主持人就在現代的場景中進行,倫敦的大街,倫敦的郊外,但是就只有這兩位主角打扮成當時的穿著,過著當時的社交生活。飲食的部分都是按照每個時期留下來的著名食譜,聘請不同的名廚來擔綱,按照流傳的食譜來製作三餐,一個星期當中,至少有兩天會宴客,客人包括歷史學家、學者等等,讓大家也一起來體驗當時的食物。

這個節目一開始是2007年四月份的一個特別節目,主要是介紹Edwardian Period的飲食生活,因為這樣的內容結構相當生動,因此便在2008五月開始繼續製作了一系列的節目,包括:

1. The Supersizers Go Wartime (first broadcast May 20 2008) - Exploring the diet during World War II when food was subject to rationing. With chef Allegra McEvedy
2. The Supersizers Go Restoration (first broadcast May 27 2008) - Exploring the diet of the Restoration period in the 17th century. Aided by chef Allegra McEvedy. Hosted at Ham House
3. The Supersizers Go Victorian (first broadcast June 3 2008) - Diet of the Victorians in the late 19th century. Aided by chef Sophie Grigson
4. The Supersizers Go Seventies (first broadcast June 10 2008) - Diet of those living in the 1970s
5. The Supersizers Go Elizabethan (first broadcast June 17 2008), cooked by Mark Hix, hosted at Sutton House
6. The Supersizers Go Regency (first broadcast June 24 2008)

(cited from wikipedia The Supersizer Go...)

這兩個主持人相當有趣,兩人不愧是媒體出身,說話辛辣又好笑,尤其是Sue Perkins,以前的英國女人沒有地位,都只能待在家裡,他都很synical地看待這樣的限制;除此之外,兩人吃到無法想像的食物時,那反應激烈地像是天真的塌下來了,每次看的都讓我大笑不已!

目前已經看了17世紀 Restoration和Elizabethan,其他的都得等重播。

BBC Intro- Restoration
Restaurant critic Giles Coren and writer and performer Sue Perkins try the food of Restoration Britain in the 1660's. They snack on coxcombs, eel pie and copious amounts of small beer.

Sue tries her hand at learning to dance and Giles goes on a hot date with some lobster. With a plague picnic and a gall bladder operation to survive, we see what it was really like to experience the food of Samuel Pepys. But how healthy are all those pies and beers? Sue and Giles find out when they visit the doctors at the end of the week.

Content: The Supersizers Go... Restoration
Blog: The Supersizers Go...Restoration

BBC Intro- Elizabeth

Restaurant critic Giles Coren and writer and performer Sue Perkins spend a week going back to the food of Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. Cooking for them at home is top chef Paul Merrett. Giles puts on his codpiece and Sue makes up like Queen Bess.

The duo discover the joys of sheep's head decorated with offal, the dish that bleeds and leaping frog pie. Giles tries some cupping and Sue learns the lute. With so many exciting foods to try out from the New World, the intrepid Supersizers find out how healthy the Elizabethan diet was.

Content: The Supersizers Go... Elizabethan
Blog: The Supersizers Go...Elizabethan

2008年7月1日 星期二

Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is a famous American photographer. She worked for Rolling Stone magazine from its launch until 1983, and then she worked in Vanity Fair. She is famous for photographing celebrities and create a new style of portrait photograph.

Annie Leibovitz in Wikipedia