
2007年8月3日 星期五

Victoria & Albert Museum

其實原本在旅遊出上看到這個景點沒有特別注意,因為刊出來的圖片並不漂亮,所以我本來打算去隔壁的Natural History Museum。出了South Kensington Station後馬上進入自然博物館,一堆大恐龍跟昆蟲的確讓我逛得很開心,但沒想到順便去一下V&A博物館才讓我真正感到今天真的不虛此行。本來只是想在館前拍個照就回去了,無意之間看到了外面掛著New York Fashion Exhibition,雖然當時我肚子很餓,還是想說先進去瞧一瞧再說,但沒想這使我第二天又來看一次V&A博物館,而且花了我一整天的時間。這個博物館擁有非常棒的骨董收藏,還有很多美麗的油畫,連一秒都不能眨眼睛。在英國最棒的事情就是你可以盡情地在館內拍照也沒人管你,人們有權力學習美的事物,這裡已經成為我最愛的地方了!

In fact, I didn't notice it at the first time when I saw the introduction of it in the travel book. The pictures in the book are not so attractive to me. Therefore, I picked the Natural History Museum for my first stop at South Kensington Station. I indeed had a great time with the dinosaurs and insects before I met the V&A Museum. I intended to walked by it and left after taking a picture, however, I immediately found I was wrong when I saw the banner of New York Fashion Exhibition and I rushed in even though I was hungry by the time. I went visiting in V&A the next day and spent nearly a whole day in it. It is really amazing that the antiques and the pieces of master paintings are so delicate that I can never close my eyes. The best thing in UK is that you can take any photos of anything you like in Museums. It supposed to be free and open to the public. People have the right to learn beauty and it is easy for anyone to save the beauty by a camera. I was addicted in the exhibitions and the fascinating building and the spring pool in the middle of the atrium. The exhibitions in this museum are the mixture of modern and classical style which presented a special atmosphere to the visitors who will be deeply inspired. Now it becomes the top of my favorite place list in London touring spot.