
2007年7月29日 星期日

Shopping street

The main shopping areas in UK are located from Covent Garden, Goodge Street, Oxford Circus, Bond Street to Piccadilly Circus. It forms a big circle to attract visitors flocking together for shopping.

It is on the sale season. The shopping fever is spreading throughout the London City. I hate myself to be one of them when walking on the street. However, I still enjoy learning new fashion from some special stores. Covent Garden is our favorite place for window shopping. It gives us special surprises when finding a small but fantastic stores. I love the pebble paved road and the street artists along street in front of the Covent Garden. Bond Street is an luxury street. The most famous brand names are easily recognized by walking through the street. I can hardly spend a penny here.

There is one thing really interests me. When I browsing clothes with Webby in the department store, there are always women stand aside and waiting for their mates. It can’t be happened in Taiwan. Men in Taiwan don’t like shopping. On the contrary, men in UK always like to dress up. I would really like to encourage boys and men in Taiwan to develop their own style and cultivate the sense of beauty and put more efforts on their dressing.

Here are the list of Webby’s favorite stores:
Browns www.brownsfashion.com
DOLCE & GABBANA www.dolcegabbana.it
DIOR HOMME www.diorhomme.com
DIESEL www.diesel.com
Fred Perry www.fredperry.com
FULLCIRCLE www.fullcircleuk.com
JOHN RICHMOND www.johnrichmond.com
NICOLE FARHI www.nicolefarhi.com
NICKEL www.nickelformen.co.za
MARGARET HOWELL www.margarethowell.co.uk
Paul Smith www.paulsmith.co.uk
TED BAKER www.tedbaker.com
Shellys www.shellys.co.uk
Size? :Shoes & footsware

Below are the stores I like:
Karen Millen www.karenmillen.com
Oasis www.oasis-stores.com
Octopus :gifts & gadgets

2007年7月28日 星期六


英國的地鐵真的非常爛,總是delay或是under construction,每每造成我們作任何事情都很麻煩,但是每天還是得面對這一切,因為我們要趕快找到新房子才行。

地鐵的地圖隨手可得,總共有11條地鐵線,妹妹住處是在Jubilee Line的Canada Water和East London line的Surrey Quays交界,地鐵都很舊,常常要一修再修,尤其有些地鐵沒有冷氣只有暖氣,真的很不貼心,所有人在rush hour的時候都很痛苦,尤其外面天氣非常熱的時候。

聽說由於2012年Olympic要在Wimbley Park舉行,所以英國政府已經決定要加裝冷氣設備,讓觀光客享有高級的感受。

地鐵站內的廣播對我來說是很新鮮的,當Tram進站的時候,廣播會說"Mind the gap, Mind the gap.",這時候就會發現,地鐵與月台真的有很大的縫隙存在,這可不是開玩笑的。


The tube here is really sucks. It always delayed and under construction. It caused a serious trouble on the day we met Yvonne which really pissed me up. However, I still have to combat against it before we find a new home.

The tube map is free and easy to get in every tube station. There are 11 lines of the underground. My sister's place is located between Canada Water on Jubilee line and the Surrey Quays on East London line. The tubes are old and need to be restored time to time. There is no air conditioner but the heater.Therefore, it is a torture to everyone during the rush hour or under the hot weather.

Since the Olympic 1012 will be held in Wimbley Park, the government decided to build air conditioners in certain tube lines for the convenience of the visitors.The broadcast in the tube is new to me. When the tram coming, the broadcaster will say, "Mind the gap, Mind the gap." By the time, you will definitely be aware of the big gap between the tram and the platform. It is such a big gap that you'll never neglect.

I can't recognize the tram in the beginning. Webby taught me an easy way to find out the right one-the colour of the handrail represents the line of the tube. I think people often use more directly way to express what they thought and so do those builders.

2007年7月25日 星期三


這是我到達英國14天後的第一篇文章。當我跨出機場,我體驗了倫敦的昂貴的開銷。 交通、食物、服飾和娛樂都極貴無比。實際上,產品上的標價,在英國或是在加拿大幾乎是同樣的,但是由於匯率的不同,一切物品在英國都貴上許多。 台幣一直下跌,我們未來在英國的ㄧ年應該會過得很艱辛。

到了英國第一個要面對的就是租房子,馬上就遭受到困難。在倫敦要租一間房子是非常困難的,每一分鐘就有一間房子被租出去,我們都還來不及去看一眼,連考慮的時間都沒有。開銷最大的就是交通,地鐵 £4起跳,公車£2起跳。雖然我們有使用Oyster Card,省了一點錢,但是還是沒有節省太多。

除此之外,我們在租房子之餘,也順便造訪了一些觀光景點與美術館,像是London Bridge、London eyes, Waterloo bridge, Oxfordstree, Tate Modern and Bank of England, Photographers Gallery。最開心的就是遇到怡軒剛好來英國採訪音樂劇,我們千辛萬苦才見到面,因為可惡的英國地鐵又delay了...雖然如此,還是很開心嘍!!